What is mediation?

Mediation is a voluntary and confidential process in which a neutral third party, called a mediator, facilitates communication and negotiation between conflicting parties to help them find a mutually agreeable resolution to their dispute.

Why should I choose mediation instead of going to court?

Mediation offers several advantages compared to going to court. It is usually quicker, less expensive, and allows parties to have direct control over the outcome of their dispute. It also tends to be less adversarial, improving the chances of preserving relationships and achieving a win-win solution.

How does the mediation process work?

During mediation, the mediator will first listen to both parties' perspectives and help them identify the issues in dispute. Through joint sessions and private discussions, the mediator assists the parties in exploring potential solutions, generating options, and reaching a mutually satisfactory agreement.

Can any type of dispute be resolved through mediation?

Mediation can be an effective process for resolving a wide range of conflicts, including but not limited to family disputes, workplace conflicts, business disputes, community disagreements, and interpersonal conflicts. It is a versatile and flexible approach that encourages creative problem-solving.

Is mediation legally binding?

Mediation itself does not create a legally binding agreement. However, if the parties reach a mutually acceptable resolution, they can formalize the agreement into a legally binding contract. It is advisable to consult legal counsel to ensure the enforceability of any mediated settlement.